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Saturday, November 17, 2007

South Carolina Low Country Marsh

'Another Quiet Morning' 8x10 pastel
I am anxious to paint a larger marsh painting or to try one in oils. Maybe Sunday will be a good day to try one. This is the painting I did for the demo at our open studio sale last weekend. It is on Pastelbord which I am really enjoying. I am also enjoying the new computer I got this week! My computer was older and so slow sometimes and my monitor had to be at least 10 years old...a big old dinosaur. But I didn't want to get a flat panel because my cat Ceara liked to lay on top of it. But I finally gave in. She did try to jump up on the new monitor but I caught her mid-jump. I hope she forgives me but I am loving this 22 inch widescreen!


Sheila Vaughan said...

This is such a beautiful landscape. I thought it was oils till I read up the description. You are really a master of pastels.


This is absolutely beautiful! I'm love your palette here. It's not often that I'm drawn to landscape paintings since I'm a still life artist, but this one really captured my interest! The looseness of the strokes and subtle textures add to its beauty! Excellent! Jeanne

Karen said...

Thank you very much Sheila & Jeanne. Your comments mean a lot to me and I appreciate the feedback!