
Monday, April 21, 2008

Daddy Bluebird

'Daddy Duty' 5x7 pastel
Jayne's Bluebirds have babies again this year and 'Daddy Boo' is back on duty! This is actually painted from a photo I took last spring. Jayne feeds the bluebirds live meal worms and the male actually signals to her when he wants his worms. He is such a good daddy that he comes back several times to feed the babies before taking some for himself. I need to get over to Jayne's yard with my camera....she said it is just filled with birds!


  1. Karen, I am in awe of your bird. You really should do more, you really captured it.

    I am of course inspired to try a bird today.


  2. Thanks Abbe,
    I haven't painted a bird in awhile and I miss it. Seagulls are my favorite to paint! I'll be looking for your bird


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