
Monday, April 14, 2008

Still Life with Eggs...pastel

'Into the Light' 8x10 pastel
I just never know what I will decide to paint. Today it was eggs! I don't know why. I had a wildflower painitng ready and I need to work on my butterfly commission...but the eggs were calling me. Sometimes it is relaxing to sit down and do a painting that is a little more structured than a landscape and when that mood strikes, usually eggs, shells and nests do the trick!


  1. This is truly a fabulous painting! I love the way you give a white something all the colors that you do. It is a treat to see how you "see" ordinary objects like eggs.

  2. Hi Carol,
    Thank you so much!!!! You made my day with your comments! How is your new easel? We need to chat!

  3. Hello,
    I like very much the way you painted the lights and shadows. Just great! Eggs as a painting subject is something that provokes me a lot, but I never tried them yet.
    I went around to your blog a bit, and I liked very much what I saw, so I'm gonna link you to mine.


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