
Friday, May 02, 2008

More Good News!

In today's mail was the envelope from the Southeastern Pastel Society's 13th annual juried International Exhibition. I was afraid to open it up....but I am so excited to share that two of my paintings were accepted! That means I am now offically a juried member of the SE Pastel Society and one more show to go before I can be a Member of Excellence. Of course I am glad that Tobi got in but I am very excited that the marsh painting was accepted. I don't think this little photo does it justice. It is 12 x 24 so now I need more frames! I am sad that I will miss the Opening Reception June 12th, but I will be on a plane to New England for our family vacation.


  1. Wow! Congrats, Karen. These peices are beautiful and well-deserving of this honor. I especially love the gracefulness of the cat painting.

  2. Thank you!! I am very excited about getting into the show!

  3. Congratulations....a well deserved honor! Both are absolutely gorgeous paintings!!!

  4. Thank you Holly!


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