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Monday, May 05, 2008

Sanibel Island Week

'Sanibel Sandpiper' 5x7 pastel
I am going to try something different this week. I am going to paint to a theme all week and I have chosen Sanibel of my favorite places. I have looked through my reference photos of Sanibel and I have chosen some images that I feel represent the island. Today's painting is a sandpiper I photographed at Bowman's Beach. At least as far as I can tell he is a sandpiper of some sort. I studied the pictures in my 'Florida's Birds' book and I would guess he is a Western Sandpiper.


Dana S. Whitney said...

Wonderful interpretation of the subtle colors in a relatively gray bird! I'm going to look through past postings... Congratulations on your many visitors... (and sales!)

Karen said...

Thank you very much! I love the challenge of painting gray birds! Thank you for visiting!