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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nantucket Painting...I'm Back!

'Madaket Lace' 8x10 pastel

I am back home from a most wonderful trip to Nantucket Island. I have so much I want to paint and can't wait to do more. Nantucket is beautiful in July with all the flowers in bloom. The air is perfumed with their smell! We had wonderful weather the whole time although they were calling for rain. We were lucky to have blue skies and just right temperatures. We had one morning of clearing rain and we borrowed my cousin's van to drive out to Madaket. The surf was wild and the fog was beginning to roll in. I LOVE the fog and what it does to the landscape. I took a few photos before it burned off and chose this scene as my first Nantucket painting. It is 8x10 on Uart paper with a turpenoid wash underpainting.


Jonathan Peters said...

I came across your blog while searching for other artists...You are really good. I enjoy your work.

Cynthia said...

This is a gorgeous piece...nice rust the background too...

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
I love the atmosphere you've created in this piece. I am facinated by the way you depict Queen Anne's Lace. Its one of the flowers that I havent figured out for myself yet.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
I love the atmosphere you have created in this painting. Your Queen Anne's Lace is facinating.
I have a painting of the Q.A.L in my head but I haven't figured out what they look like in my artistic "language".