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Friday, August 14, 2009

Back to the Marsh

'Awakening' 11x14 pastel
I finally had a chance to use my new Great American Richard McKinley pastels. I won a set of my choice for my Exceptional Merit award at the Southeastern Pastel Society show and of course I chose Richard's set. I only used the new set for this painting. I had done a turpenoid value study before starting with the pastels so the dark values are from the wash. The set doesn't have dark darks like Terry Ludwig's eggplant color. I don't mind because it pushes me to paint a bit lighter which is a good exercise for me.


Donna T said...

Beautiful painting Karen! I didn't realize there was a Richard McKinley set ... I might have to put that on my wish list.

Karen said...

Thanks Donna, it's a new set introduced at IAPS. I am loving it so far! There is also a Lorenzo Chavez set which is next on my list!