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Saturday, August 08, 2009

Sunflowers on Red

'Sunflowers on Red' 12x16 pastel
Here is another sunflower painting, this time using a lot of red. I don't usually paint with much red except when I paint poppies but I do like it. My studio clean up continues. Today I organized all of my printed reference photos. I sure do have a lot....4 years worth. I saw a lot of photos I wanted to paint from and some I would like to revisit. There isn't enough time in the day to paint everything I want!


My Camera World said...

While I love all your work and I truly mean that, this image really captivates me. I don’t know why yet but images that have false colours, not that they are unnatural seem to grab me more.

The reason maybe that since the main artistic medium for me has been my camera I now with my starting in oil painting want something different that the realism my camera captures.

Niels Henriksen

Cynthia said...

Love the use of red....just as I loved the use of purple from the other day ...they are both exciting and really alive compared to plain sunflowers.....

Karen said...

Thank you Niels. I understand completely what you are saying. I love photography but I love the freedom I have when painting too!

Karen said...

Thank you Cynthia. It has been fun playing with colors I don't use usually.

Becky Drees said...

Wow, Karen!

This reminds me of the work of Seraphine de Senlis. Do you know it?

I just saw the movie about her life last night which was sad, but magnificent! You must see the movie if you haven't (it's called "Seraphine" - in theatres now)...

Karen said...

Thank you so much for writing. I appreciate the tip on Seraphine, I will have to look her up!!