
Saturday, August 06, 2011

New Wildflower Painting with Demo

'Flowers from a Friend' 11x14 pastel
Today a friend emailed me a photo he took of the profusion of wildflowers growing where he lives. I was searching for something to paint and his photo was perfect for what I wanted to do. I decided to take photos of my process to share with him and my readers. The slideshow can be seen in the post just after this one. This painting is done on Uart 600 grit with a watercolor underpainting.

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Price: $175 USD
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  1. Love the painting, but I couldn't get the slide show to work.
    I'd love to see it. Let me know if you can get it to work! == Thanks!!!

  2. Thanks Marian! The slideshow is supposed to play automatically. It is working on both my PC and mac so I don't know why yours isn't working. I will look into it and see if I can post a link to the step by step pictures.

  3. These wildflowers are beautiful!!! I didn't have any luck viewing the slideshow or the step by step photos either :(

  4. Thanks Kathy! I'm not sure why they aren't working for you. They work on all my computers. I am looking into it with my techie son. Hope to figure it out!

  5. Lovely, I am dying to see the slideshow!

  6. Looking forward to see the slideshow! Love it!!


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