
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One Summer Morning 8x10 pastel SOLD

'One Summer Morning' 8x10 pastel
I love painting on this surface but I shouldn' is just regular wet/dry sandpaper in black from the hardware store. It is 600 grit and feels wonderful. It takes the pastels like a dream. I don't even know what I can compare it to. The problem is that it isn't archival so who know how long it would hold up. I think maybe Pastelmat comes pretty close. I think I'll try a painting on pastelmat while the feeling of this sandpaper is fresh in my mind. This is a scene my friends and I came across last summer on our road trip out west. We took an access road to the highway and had to stop for the early morning light on these roadside wildflowers.


  1. lovely...and i bet it outlasts your life and mine! Sometimes emphemeral is just to try it!

  2. The wonderful unfocused background really sets up the foreground flowers... Beautiful.


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