
Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Tiny Pastels 2.5 x 3.5 minis

Here is this week's mini pastel paintings. I am listing them at Daily Paintworks Auction. DPW is a great site for artists and art lovers. I love browsing through all of the great art that is posted. I used some iridescent pastels on some of these paintings. They are just too much fun to paint! Here is a link to my DPW gallery


  1. Your itty bitty works are wonderful! I just discovered Daily Paintworks and am thinking about signing up. Have you been a member for long?

  2. Thanks Dottie! I have been with DPW for about 3 months. I really like how easy it is to post. I am also a member of Daily Painters and that is also a great site.
    Good Luck!


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