
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Color 12x12 pastel

'The Color of Fall' 12x12 pastel
I think my favorite Fall color is yellow. I love yellow flowers and bushes and trees. I am drawn to them for some reason. It is such a cheerful color. I am headed to the mountains this weekend and hope to see some Fall color. I will be teaching my first multi-day workshop and I have made out a plan so I hope the weather cooperates! It is supposed to be chilly but sunny. I will give a full report on Monday but I won't have internet access this weekend to do any posting. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend!

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Price: $165 USD
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  1. Yellow is an awesome color, i like it too, and it looks great in painting.

  2. Ooooh, I love this. My new favorite. I dunno, Karen, every time you post a new one, it's my newest fave!! I can't get enough....!

  3. oh, BEAUTIFUL! Love the colors and textures in this one. I may have to 'borrow' your technique to fix a couple of my plein aire sketches from NM...

  4. gorgeous painting!!


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