
Monday, October 03, 2011

More with my Mystery Pastels

'Afternoon Walk' 8x10 pastel
Today I am sharing another one of the paintings I did with my 14 piece mystery set from Terry Ludwig. If you follow my blog you may have seen that last Monday I did 8 paintings only using this set which I call a random limited palette. I had so much fun with it that I ordered the Mt Vision 'chippy' set. They arrived this weekend and I am anxious to try them out! Today was a day of errands so no time to paint but hopefully I have all day tomorrow to play!

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Price: $125 USD
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1 comment:

  1. Karen,

    I love your mystery box pastel paintings. i ended up buying 4 of them but gave one to a good friend and may send one more to the friend that I painted with all last year who also drove me down to AZ where i live now. She is having a tough time painting without me. It was at least three times a week that we would get together in the mornings and I turned my living room into a studio and shared my pastels with her and we really had fun and actually got many paintings done(well she paints very fast so she probably got 3 done to my 1, but who's counting right?

    i also have a chippy set. It's amazing to me the colors in these sets, they really do work well for small palette paintings. They seem to be put together very well for most any subject. I still have to use mine however as I still have to paint too after my move.
    Are you still moving to NM?

    Love your work and hopefully one day will be able to take a workshop with you, maybe after you move to NM. Maybe you could come to Tucson for a workshop. i still have to join the Tucson Pastel society, but once I do maybe I could recommend you for a workshop teacher:) Wouldn't that be fun? Or maybe you could do one in Tubac. i know that Michael Chelsey Johnson did one last year and it was organized by one of the galleries in Tubac. some cool places around there to paint including the Tumacacori Mission. just some things for you to think about for the future:D

    Take care and keep painting, love every one of them and am learning a lot just by looking at your paintings! Especially on going looser which is my goal.


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