
Monday, November 14, 2011

Demo Painting from APS Workshop

'Mountain Meadow' 16x20 pastel
I had a wonderful weekend teaching two workshops for the Appalachian Pastel Society. I had 17 artists in my mini workshop and 8 for the full day. We were very productive and everyone did some fantastic work. This painting was my demo for the miniworkshop on Saturday. I did a 'dry wash' underpainting first with a layer of harder pastels rubbed in with some pipe insulation. I will share my other demos later this week.
My next workshop is this Sunday at my home studio. We will be working on miniature pastel paintings and I have several ways to finish them so that they will be ready for holiday gifts. I have a couple of openings so if you are looking for a fun afternoon of painting with a great group, let me know!

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