
Monday, December 26, 2011

My Six Favorite Paintings of 2011

'Blue Sailors' 5x7 pastel ©Karen Margulis

It is time for reflecting on the past year and setting new goals for the coming year. I like the ritual Alyson Stanfield recommends in her Art Marketing Action newsletter ...writing down all of your accomplishments from 2011. It will give you a good feeling to realize you've probably accomplished more that you thought. So I thought it would be fun to look back at my paintings from 2011 and choose my top 5. (I added and extra one) This week I will be sharing one each day along with why I chose it and why I felt it represented an accomplishment.

In no particular order, today I am sharing a little 5x7 painting called 'Blue Sailors'. I like the colors of the blue flowers which I saw on my 2010 road trip to Wyoming. I would love a field of these wildflowers! I like this painting because it came to me effortlessly and with total abandon. I was truly 'in the zone' when I painted this one. It reminds me of my 5x7 Early Morning Poppies which won an award in the PSA show in 2010. I had the same feelings when I painted that one. Everything just flowed. Sometimes you think you'll never get that feeling again and then a painting just comes to you like this one did. I suppose it doesn't even matter if no one else likes it. It felt good when I painted it and that is what I like about it. It reminds me that it can happen again!

Do you list and celebrate your accomplishments? How about looking back and choosing your top paintings of 2010. I'd love to hear about yours!


  1. Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten in the hustle and bustle. I will sit down tonight and make a list.

    I love this painting as well as all the others you displayed below. Your colors are gorgeous.

  2. I bet it was hard to only choose 6! They're lovely! :)

  3. Thanks Julie! It was fun going through my picture files to review all of last year's work!

  4. Thanks Angela. I thought it might be hard to go through them all but I have these painting out in my studio and they have meaning for me so I enjoy having them around, so in the end it was actually easy! Thanks for the kind words!!


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