
Monday, April 09, 2012

How I finally Got Organized

'Summer Buzz' 9x12 pastel ©Karen Margulis
Purchase painting $125

I used to have a pile of notebooks. I kept a separate notebook for everything. I had an art business notebook, a blog idea book, a trip idea book, a painting idea book. You get the picture. I was keeping notes but I felt so unorganized. I could never find the right notebook when I needed it. I tried keeping my notes together on the computer but I like to write with a pen. It wasn't the same typing my thoughts. I like to have a blank piece of paper and a nice black pen to write down my thoughts and ideas...and doodle some too. But I was getting tired of having my notes everywhere! Then my graphic designer son came to the rescue with a large Moleskine notebook.

My Moleskine 'Dream Book'
Corey uses a small moleskine for all of his notes, designs, inspiration and ideas. When one book is full he starts another. It doesn't matter that the notes are not in order or categorized. For many notes it is just a matter of getting them down on paper. You might not ever refer to them but it is easy enough to skim the book to find what you need. I have been using my Moleskine for 3 months now and it has been great. No more hunting for the right notebook when an idea strikes. My moleskine, which I call my Dream Book, is always handy. I have filled it with class plans, business ideas, painting ideas, wedding plans...if it crosses my mind I will jot it down in my book.

Doodling on the cover of my Dream Book
I feel much more organized with the Dream Book. I no longer have stacks of paper to attend to. If it is important, I write down the particulars in my book and file the paper. If I need to find a note I only have to skim through the book and I can quickly find it. No more keeping track of multiple notebooks. It's all in my Dream Book!
I recently found a website devoted to the Moleskine notebooks and in one interview Moleskine user Emilie Baltz sums it up perfectly

Are Moleskine notebooks a part of your life and creative process? If so, how do you fit them in?
"Moleskine notebooks are part of my everyday, every-moment life. I am a furious note-taker/list-maker and ridiculous scribbler. My Moleskine is half organizational-tool and half dream-making machine."

Read more about the uses for a Moleskine on


  1. Good tips. I used to have papers scattered everywhere. Now I use my phone a lot. One notebook app for personal, one for business, one for grocery,etc. I never lose anything on my phone, Unless I lose my phone. Then I will be up the creek, lol.
    Dee Sanchez

  2. Thanks for sharing...what a good idea, I have note books everywhere too.
    I love your work I used to use pastel but now paint oils.

  3. I keep a dated daily journal on my computer that's organized the same way. The main difference is that I type so much faster and easier than I can write longhand that I prefer my laptop. I don't go out much but when I do, I use the Notes function on my iPhone for the same thing and sometimes transfer the contents into the day's journal file.

    I've found that the process of writing it down whether longhand or typed seriously assists memory. I don't go back through old journals that often but having written everything down, it's easier to bring it to mind.

    I've got a pocket unlined Moleskine for drawing and a pocket watercolor Moleskine for watercolor or pen/watercolor studies whenever I go out though. The smallest size is my favorite, that's what I'll have on me even if I don't bring any other art supplies.

  4. Dee, I know what you mean about losing the phone! It's a good habit to have everything in one place!

  5. Hi Karen,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you will visit often. I want to work in oils...I have them...just can't seem to find the time to work at it.

  6. Hi Rob,
    I wish I could type faster. I never learned properly so it is still hunt and peck for me on a keyboard..

  7. Have you tried the penultimate app for the iPad ? It' has a similar feel to the notebook, but paperless.

  8. Maryann thanks for the tip. I'm going to look into it!


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