
Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Daily Painter

'The Cloud Show'       8x10         pastel        ©Karen Margulis
painting available $95 Daily Paintworks
I love my studio!  I looked around today and realized I had five easels in use...and they were all my painting projects.  I am fortunate to have the space to spread out and have many things going on at once.  Sometimes it is a juggling act to keep on top of all the things I want to do. This week I started writing down what I am doing and how much time I am spending on each task. I am seeing how I might better manage my time by seeing how I really spend it.
Take today....I worked on all five of these painting projects, shipped some ebay stuff (my sister and I have an Ebay store),  posted to the blog, listed on Etsy, answered emails, did laundry, gave the dog a bath, visited with my daughter, checked in on facebook (several times) Oh and I had a two hour morning private class with two students and painted a nest demo for them. I think it is helping to keep track of  the time I am spending because it is making me try to be more productive.

 Being able to paint everyday for my 'job' is a wonderful thing. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by all the things I want to do and I wander around the studio aimlessly instead of just diving in and starting the project. Writing it down helps me focus.  And having proof of a productive week will make it easier to enjoy the days when I don't feel like doing anything at all!

Working on setting up a display for next week's classes

Working on some minis for my new Gallery (more later)

On another easel....the start of a commission of Santa Claus

On another easel....a 30x40 oil commission...just put in some darks
On my EasyL...a small 5x7 oil to use up the rest of my paint
These photos are just an overview of what I am currently working on. Being a Daily Painter also entails all of the business things we need to do such as planning, promotion, accounting, shipping, keeping up with supplies and painting inventory. These things need to be done along with painting. But with a plan and some focus it can be done and I wouldn't trade my job for anything!  I hope you enjoyed a peek into my studio!

If you haven't seen my studio tour, click on the tab at the top of the page!

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