
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Plein Air in St. Maarten

'Caribbean Christmas'      5x7    gouache
It was a warm day in the Caribbean today.  We arrived in St. Maarten this morning and took the water taxi over to the town. It was fun to see all of the Christmas decoration and to hear Christmas songs on the steel pan drums!  It was a gorgeous day with blue skies and just enough clouds to make it interesting. We rented two lounge chairs and a beach umbrella for the day.

I decided to bring along my gouache kit. It was a good choice. Quick and easy set up and no mess. I even filled my little container with sea water.  I used a limited palette of ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson, cad yellow medium and white. I had trouble the other day getting the Caribbean turquoise blue and luckily I had a tube of Holbein Sky blue which did the trick!

'The America's Cup Challenge'       5x7     gouache

I have been asked about my process with gouache so this afternoon I took a few photos of my painting in process before my camera battery died. I will post a demo tomorrow so be sure to come back and see!


  1. Thanks for sharing your trip with us Karen. It's great to see that part of the world through your paintings!

  2. These are amazing! Love your big marks of colors!


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