
Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Do You Have any Pastel Questions?

'Uncomplicated'            6x8         pastel       ©Karen Margulis   $55 purchase here
I'm Back!  I hope you have enjoyed my choices for top paintings and blog posts of 2012.  It was good timing for me since I have been away for most of the past three weeks.  I am home for awhile and back to the studio.  I have a busy Winter planned beginning with a demo/Program for the Southeastern Pastel Society on Monday the 14th.  I will be sharing two techniques that I use to simplify a marsh landscape.

Next week also starts my Winter classes. I will be teaching a six week class on Pastels and Mixed Media at the Art School of Sandy Springs on Tuesdays from 9-12 and on Wednesdays from 10-12 and 7-9 in my studio.  There are openings so email me for details.

I am planning another year of (hopefully) interesting and inspiring blog posts.  I need your help this year the best year ever for the blog.  I would love to have more participation and feedback through comments. I know I learn a lot from your comments and we all benefit from the conversations.  In the past it has been difficult to comment because of the word captcha thingy.  I have had a problem with spam but I will deal with the spam if it means more of you will join in and comment!

I also need your help with a new weekly blog segment. Each week I will devote a post to one of your pastel related questions. I will do my best to answer and share ideas with you. So if you have any questions at all from beginner to advanced, comment below or send me an email!

Thank you for visiting each day and thanks for helping me make the blog better!


  1. Holly Morris7:36 AM

    Thanks for your generosity to share your knowledge on this blog. I look forward to it each morning!

  2. Allie McGlinchey9:15 AM

    I love your work and the information that you share! I am a beginner pastel painter and would like to know more about underpainting. How do you decide if you want to underpaint or just use the colored pastel paper?

  3. Thanks so very much for sharing all this marvelous information and fantastic paintings. Since you asked for questions, I'll share mine. How do you go about painting clouds since so many of them are amorphous and often just blend in with the sky. Doing value and thumbnail sketches is problematic for me.
    Many thanks

  4. Anonymous5:46 PM

    It is very generous of you to share your expertise on your blog. I'm new to pastels, so will probably have questions for you.

  5. Love your work and enjoy reading all your post. Your paintings are an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing all that you do. Would love to see some video demos of your process, and some information about how your achieve your painterly look.

  6. I'm new to pastel and find I sometimes just don't have the right color in my collection. How do you go creatively outside the box to still make this work?

  7. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I love the spirit in your work! I was wondering how you preserve your pastels and if it would be the same process for oil pastels?

  8. Thank you Seree, I don't do anything to preserve the pastel painting. I don't like using spray fixative. I store them in between sheets of glassine paper and frame them under glass. Thanks for commenting!


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