
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

D is for Demo Day...Pastel Beach Painting

'The Beach is Calling'          12x12       pastel     ©Karen Margulis
click here to purchase $165
I am a planner. I love planning things...trips, projects, get togethers, more trips.  To me it is part of the fun.  I have been planning my upcoming Southwest trip for two years. It is just fun to plan and anticipate the fun.  So it makes sense that I don't mind planning my paintings.

Doing thumbnails and color studies and choosing my palette is actually part of the fun of doing a painting.  It is a good thing I enjoy the planning process because it definitely helps me enjoy the actual painting time more.  Today I share my process.

Take the time to plan your painting so you can enjoy the actual painting time.

 I start by evaluating my reference photo. I decide I like the square format so I fold it into a square.

 Next I do a small black and white thumbnail sketch with Prismacolor grayscale markers. You can read more about this step in my thumbnail post here.  I use big simple shapes in 4 values.

Next I plan my color.  I use a scrap of the same paper as my painting to test colors and to do a quick color thumbnail....again with big simple shapes.  I choose colors in 4 values for the block-in (first layer of pastel)  For this painting I chose to do a cool value block in with 4 values of blue.

Next I decide what colors I will use for each area of the painting.  I test the colors on top of my block-in colors to see how they might look. (see the small squares in the above photo) If I like the colors I try them on top of the block-in.  I make sure to keep this color study vey loose and details!  I am just trying color choices.

If I am happy with my color choices I keep them out in a butcher tray. This way I can keep track of how many colors I am using and keep my palette limited.

Now I am ready to paint the larger painting. I use my color block-in study to block in the big painting and then I refer to my reference photo and color study as I continue to develop the painting.  This part of the painting is enjoyable because I already did most of the work in the planning stage. Now I can just paint!


  1. YES! That worked! I love planning also, especially travels. Many times I thought if the trip falls thru, no matter, I feel like I've been there already anyway. I know the frustration of getting into a painting and not knowing where to go next. So why not apply that same enthusiasm to painting and enjoy the process of planning. Thanks for rattling my cage!

  2. I'm very impressed. It looks great.

  3. Your pastel painting is spectactular. I am learning to paint and I am struggling so much that I am constantly looking for inspiration.


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