
Friday, April 26, 2013

Storing Pastel Paintings Part 2...and Spring Studio Sale!

'Outer Banks on My Mind'          8x10         pastel       ©Karen Margulis

My boxes are full!  It is time to do some Spring Cleaning and go through the finished paintings I have in my storage boxes.  In a recent post I shared the first part of my routine for storing finished pastel paintings. I hang finished paintings on a curtain wire. You can read about it in this post HERE.

At the end of each month it is time to take the month's paintings down from the wire and decide what to do with them.  Some of them will be put aside for possible framing.  Some I put into a clearbag to use for my classes.  The majority of them get put into storage boxes.

I have several acid free document storage boxes that are large enough to hold paintings up to 9x12.  I label the boxes by subject.  These correspond to the subjects I paint the most such as 'Marshes', 'Beaches', Southeast Landscapes' Southwest Landscapes', Plein air Studies'.  I simply lay the painting in the box and place glassine paper in between each painting.  The paintings stay clean and safe and easily accessed if needed. Oversized paintings are stored in a different manner and that I will cover in part 3.

This system works well for me.  If I need to find a painting I simply look in the correct 'Subject' box.  I admit that I am not very good at inventory control.  I have tried to assign each painting an inventory number but I wasn't consistent. You need to be consistent in order for it to work.  The 'Box' method of storage works best for me.

Every once in awhile the boxes need purging. Being a Daily Painter means you accumulate a lot of paintings! I store every painting whether they were demos, studies or listed in one of my online galleries.  I am doing some Spring cleaning of my storage boxes and would like to offer some of these studies and demos for purchase.  I am offering them by auction through Daily Paintworks. These 8x10 originals are valued at $145 but will have opening bids of $35!  Visit my Daily Paintworks gallery to have a closer look and to place your bids! Click here!


  1. Where did you get the boxes? They look neat.

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Love the photo gallery of paintings. And I'm glad to see part two of storage. I've been trying to decide how best to store them.

  3. I like your paintings. They should fetch a good price

  4. Thanks everyone! Paula, I got the brown boxes from Ikea and the red ones at the Container Store.


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