
Saturday, May 04, 2013

Trying Golden Open Acrylics

'Across the Creek'        6x6       acrylic on canvas       ©Karen Margulis
purchase painting with paypal $65
I had so much fun on this rainy day in Georgia.  I woke up with this burning desire to paint with a paint brush.  I don't know why but I don't question my creative urges. I just go with them!  I didn't feel like getting out my oils and then I remembered that I had a sample set of Golden Open Acrylics. I actually had two sample sets so I was able to come up with a limited palette of Alizarin Crismson, Phalo Blue, Indian Yellow and Titanium white. And the fun began!

Sample packets of Golden Open Acrylics
I loved painting with these paints. I have to say I haven't painted much with acrylics so I don't have much experience to draw on but the Open acrylics were wonderful.  My thin layers dried fast enough to let me start layering but the thicker paint stayed wet and workable for the entire painting time. In fact I painted several paintings and the paint stayed wet on the palette for the afternoon (a couple of hours at least)  I was also using palette knives and it was very easy to mix colors both on the palette and the canvas.

I can definitely see myself purchasing some of these paints and using them for a change of pace. If you haven't tried acrylics (I know many of my readers are pastelists) then the Golden Open acrylics would be a good choice to try. Here are some tips to get you started.

  • Start with a limited palette. I only had red, yellow, blue and white and yet I was able to mix the colors I wanted. Keep it simple and less expensive!
  • Start with some small canvases or supports. Doing small quick studies will be less expensive and will help you get a feel for the medium without worrying about wasting a lot of paint.
  • Try to use your successful pastel paintings as references. You won't have to worry so much about composition since you already did that in the pastel.
OK now I am headed back to the studio to squeeze out some more paint!  I'm having too much fun to stop!  I'd love to hear about your experience with the Open acrylics!


  1. You made a gorgeous landscape with wonderful and bold colors. These acrylics really seem worth giving a try.

  2. Your painting is beautiful and it sounds like you had a great time. I have been using acrylics lately and I use a wet palette. Sounds like I need to purchase some of the Golden Open acrylics. Mine stay wet on the palette of course but dry very quickly on the canvas. Great to hear about them, thanks!

  3. Just love your work! I use Golden Opens for my small works and for they last for weeks as long as they are covered. I really like how you vary your greens!

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Nice work!

  5. Wow - LOVE the painting!
    I use acrylics all the time,but have never tried the Open Acrylics. You are making me want to give them a try!


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