
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sedona By Day....Painting on the Deck with my New Terry Ludwigs

'Path to Bell Rock'. 5x7. Pastel

We have fallen into a rhythm in Sedona. I planned the trip with this in mind. Five days to relax and let the beauty of the trip sink in before going back to our routines. We rise early and take our coffee out onto the deck. This morning we had another visit from the quail family! We do a morning excursion and come back to cool off in the heat of the day.

'Morning in Sedona'. 5x7. Pastel

And then I paint. Today I painted three daily paintings. I would have painted all afternoon but the sun encroached upon my shade!

'A Promising Day'. 5x7. Pastel

I decided to take out some of the new pastels I bought at IAPS. They were tucked away in the car. I had put together a set of 30 Terry Ludwig pastels of colors that I thought might be useful for the Southwest. Oh did I have fun with them! I have his SW and Arid Landscape sets at home and they are wonderful too. I think I am now set when I get home to paint from my reference photos!

Painting on the patio with my road kit an new TL pastels

We end the day with a glass of wine as we watch the light change our view. We discuss how we would paint it. Then we'll walk the grounds looking for birds and other treasures before the official sunset. It's a great way to spend a day.



  1. Thank you Casey! I feel like I am getting it after 3 weeks out here! I appreciate your comment!

  2. I've really enjoyed all your art from this trip, but I think these three are my favorites. Gorgeous.

  3. Thank you James. I think they are my favorites too!

  4. I love the economy of your marks. Most effective! Keep 'em coming.


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