
Friday, July 12, 2013

Painting Sunflowers ...An Idea for a Painting Project

A collection of Sunflower pastels all 6x6     ©Karen Margulis

You never know what you might find when you clean your studio.  I was happy to come across a pile of little sunflower paintings.  They were the start of an abandoned project.  Sometimes I am a bit too ambitious and I start projects that don't get finished. But seeing these paintings reminded me of the excitement I had for the project. I think I would like to revive it and simplify the rules!

Here is my idea:  21 Days of Sunflowers
Paint 21 small square format sunflower paintings. I will be doing 6x6.  They can be any medium and any style and any composition. The only rules are they must be 6x6 and must be sunflowers. You can substitute any subject that you want. Make sure it is something you love to paint!

Why 21 days?  It sounds more doable than A Sunflower A Day (my original project)  I won't set a strict time limit. I don't have to do one every day but I will try to complete them over the summer. 

What does it do for me?  It is a good way to add mileage to your miles of canvas paintings. Sometimes having a series underway inspires you to get into the studio to add to the series. 

How to make it work?  Gather reference photos and cut paper or tone canvas. If you have a stack of paper ready it will be easier to follow through.

I am going to start fresh with the sunflower project so these finished paintings will be available in my Etsy Shop Click here to visit my shop.


  1. Interesting idea, I should take on a similar project. I'm curious though, why 21? Something special about that number?

  2. This is a wonderful idea and am going to enjoy following it. Love them all so far.


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