
Monday, October 14, 2013

Pawleys Island Day's all about the Ocean


'A Promising Day'. 5x7. Plein air pastel

We changed bedrooms this year. Last year I looked out on the marsh. This year I have the ocean view. I was lulled to sleep by the sound of the crashing surf just outside my window. Heaven. We woke to a cloudy and moody sky but it was warm. So after breakfast I set up my new Gogh box on the screened porch and painted the view. The sun was starting to break through promising a good day.

'Afternoon Surf'. 5x7. Plein air pastel

I love my new Gogh box! I'll be doing a full review soon but it was so easy to set up and paint at a moments notice. So after lunch I set up again and painted the same ocean view. The sun was out and it was quite windy. The surf was up!


Here is my Gogh box in action out on our porch. I painted two more small studies of the dunes next to the porch. I didn't even have to move! We decided that it was wine time so I finished my painting, took photos and put away my box so I could join my friends.

It's a tough job but someone's got to do it! Tomorrow I will paint the marsh!

'Windblown Tree'. 4x4. Pastel

'Dune Life'. 5x5. Pastel



  1. Jo P.6:08 PM

    Karen, wonderful, free, loose -- and the paintings are nice, too. Seriously, I particularly love the morning painting.

  2. Thanks Jo! They all were fun!

  3. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Truly beautiful! Being lulled to sleep by the ocean is phenomenal!

  4. Thank you M.J. I agree!

  5. Tim Moore2:09 PM

    particularly like Dune much life and movement with just a few strokes..

  6. Wow! These are so beautiful. All of them have so much feeling to them. Not just motion and life, emotion. They seem bubbling with happiness. Maybe putting the wine in the artist and good friends around has something to do with producing great art. Or just loving the place that much and being that happy, enjoying the Gogh box.

    I love that tree. It's got such joy to it. There's not one wasted stroke in any of these, they are as concise as poetry.

  7. Anonymous2:17 AM

    These are wonderful paintings, love the colors and the way you capture the subjects. I've noticed it never seems to rain on your painting trips! How do you do that?


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