
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Thankful Artist....My Top Three List

'Among the Trees'            18x24           pastel             ©Karen Margulis
contact me for availability 

I am sitting here in my warm and cozy studio. Writing my post while waiting for a student to arrive. I have the holiday weekend ahead of me to do nothing but paint. It is great to be an artist.  In this time of giving thanks we all reflect on what we are grateful for. Of course my family and health are at the top of my list. But then comes art. 

Today I am a thankful artist. There are many things about being an artist that enrich my life so I will narrow it down to my top three. 

'Autumn Joy'   8x10    pastel  sold

In this post I will list my top three things that I am thankful for. I will expand on them over the next three days....during this weekend of Thanksgiving.

1. Being an artist gives me the ability to see the world with a new and sensitive eye. Artists can see beauty and interest where others may see nothing.

2. Being an artist connects me to other artists. This community of like minded people is a treasure. One doesn't need to be a professional artist to benefit from being a part of the art community.

3. Being an artist gives me pure JOY.  There is nothing like creating something from nothing. The sheer joy of painting is such a rush. It's the process that makes me happy. A good painting is icing on the cake.

What are some of the things you are thankful for?


  1. What a great post Karen! There certainly are so many things to be thankful for as an artist. You've nailed some of the top reasons for sure! The only thing I can add is "Being my own boss" I've gotten to a place in my art life where I can decide what I paint and what I do and can make my own decisions as to what direction my career goes and it's wonderful! I would hope that even artists who 'work' for someone else get to experience this on their off-hours with their own personal painting time.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I'm thankful to know you!!
    As an artist I'm thankful to have the ability of creation and of course all thw other reasons that you mentioned already.
    I love this painting...
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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