
Friday, January 10, 2014

Plein Air Palm Trees

'Three Palms' 5x7. Pastel

Sunny skies and 80 degrees today in South Florida. It felt great after a week in Chicago. It would have been a great day to paint but this trip isn't a painting trip. Not every trip is. This is a topic that comes up sometimes with my artist friends. What do you do when you are on a family trip? It isn't about painting. It is about visiting with family. But I can't help having the itch to paint. Especially when I am in a different location. I want to soak it all in. I want to paint something.

Today I gave into the urge to paint. We were out on my sister-in-law's patio and was taken by the three tall palm trees on the other side of the fence. I figured I could paint a quick study of the trees. I took out my trusty pastel kit and set up on the patio. I could only see the tops of the trees so I improvised and painted them up against the sky.




  1. Tim Moore9:15 AM

    i like the reds and blues in them...i live down here in mid Florida and marvel at some of huge palms here..we have a botanical garden at the college i work for and have been itching to go in there and paint..i also see you brought your toy airplane for when you are bored lol..couldnt resist..

  2. These are great - I love the way you do palms. You give them so much character. It's hard when the basic contour sometimes looks like a lollipop but you got their raggedy liveliness!


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