
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Why Have a Weekly Play Day

'Winter in Lincoln Park'        2.5 x 3.5           pastel             ©Karen Margulis

Today was a Play Day.  I sat in my studio in front of my space heater and painted mini pastels. I tried new subjects.  I worked with some rediscovered Girault pastels.  I let go of all of the things I was supposed to do and just painted for fun.  The to-do list will still be there tomorrow.  But today I made a mess and had fun doing it!

I am going to make a Play Day a weekly event. It will be my time to try new things or to just to enjoy the process of creating without trying to fulfill a specific goal.  Why make time for Play?

A Day's Pastel Play

"Play is your route to Mastery"  Robert Genn

When I read the 11 steps in Robert Genn's letter this week this was the step that spoke loudly to me.  I don't ever want to take my work so seriously that I forget to have fun.  If it is no longer fun and becomes a chore or something to fear or progress will be made.  But if it is fun we will paint more often....and that is what leads to mastery.

So today I spread out my pastels and played. The dust was flying!  But in the process I was learning and who know what may come of my little play session. Some of these minis may be used as studies for larger paintings even though that wasn't my plan.

All of theses playful new minis are available in my Etsy Shop for $15 each. Don't forget that for the month of January every purchase of a mini will give you an entry into my drawing for an enlargement of your mini up to 11x14.
Click here to visit my Etsy shop


  1. Lovely snowy landscapes, congrats. Great work.

  2. I love them ALL! You have such an amazing way with colour. I love the way you've suggested the windows in the office buildings. And what is that light lemony colour you've used to add light?

  3. Thanks Sergio and Sue! Sue it is just a very pale lemon yellow Terry Ludwig pastel. I love pale yellows of any kind!

  4. And a lot of great little paintings happened too! Go you!


  5. Love all of your mini paintings, they are beautiful. Having a play day is so important and you used it wisely!


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