
Monday, October 27, 2014

Three Tips for Collecting Blog Post Ideas

'Crossing Over'           16x20            pastel                ©Karen Margulis
painting available $250
 Sometimes the painting inspires the blog post. Sometimes a blog post inspires a painting. Sometimes I am stumped. I am at a loss for a blog post idea.  I sit in front of my computer staring at my daily painting on the screen and wonder what I will write. The wheels turn but nothing comes to mind. I am dry.

It can be a challenge to come up with interesting blog topics especially when I am committed to posting to my blog every day! Fortunately I find the 'Dry Days' to be few and far between. It is actually quite easy to come up with blog topics.  Here are three simple tips that help me generate new topic ideas.

demo painting before finishing touches

  • Keep a list of blog ideas. I keep mine on a dry erase board. When I get an idea I write it down. I refer to these ideas on those 'dry days'. The important thing is to write down the idea as soon as it occurs to you. I find if I wait I will have forgotten it.
  • Listen to feedback and comments not only on your blog but on others you may read. Comments and questions always lead to ideas for future posts. Write them down! I also get several art related daily email newsletters and they always provide food for thought and give me ideas for potential blog posts.
  • Ask your readers what they would like to read about! There is no better way to be sure your readers find your blog interesting and useful than by asking them what they want!
I love the 3rd tip. It is something I haven't done in awhile so here is your chance. What would you like for me to blog about?  Share your requests in the comment section below. And thanks for following my blog!


  1. Indeed good ideas, Thnx.

  2. I need help on how to simplify a scene I am painting. I always end up trying to put too much detail - exacting the photo or scene rather than editing it. I see myself as a loose painter, but the reality doesn't come through in my art.

  3. tips on glass and framing: mat vs spacers etc.

  4. My personal request would be to see the ref photo. the reason being that what i am trying to learn from you is exactly HOW you see colour and what inspires you to use particular colours. its a bit tricky for my as i have odd eyes but I hope to kind of learn how to see the colours. Lord how confused does that sound???
    Sorry. but that's what I would like. Lyn

  5. I need a new plein air easel...suggestions?

  6. How much texture is too much texture?
    How to experiment with color choices?
    How to push the boundaries toward more abstraction?

  7. I commented on FB a some ideas . Not sure you are aware of a new pan pastel that is clear , it is described as a blending medium . I'm going to experiment with it as suggested in a recent workshop with Robert Carsten. Wondering what your take is , or how you would use .
    Best , Sandi

  8. Thanks everyone for the great ideas!! I can't wait to work on them. Look for the answers in future posts!!

  9. I would like more info on framing. Spacers? Types of frames. Framing against the glass. Sealing pastels to frame without glass.
    You are one of my favorite pastel artists. Thank you for sharing so much info.

  10. Anonymous1:26 PM

    LOVE this painting. It doesn't even need words. The rich colors--well, I'm speechless.

  11. Value, value, value please!!
    You explain things so well. Thanks for taking the time and effort!


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