
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What to Paint? The Most Important Consideration

'Back to the Marsh'            8x10              pastel         ©Karen Margulis

I can always retreat to the marsh. It always inspires me. The many moods and colors. The wide open views. The sounds. The smells. And of course the birds. Painting the marsh gets me excited. If I am not in the mood to paint (rare) looking through my reference photos of the marshes I have visited always lights the fire.  The marsh is an old friend but I look for ways to interpret it in new ways.

I  am passionate about the marsh and I embrace that passion. It is the most important consideration for me when choosing a subject to paint. If I am passionate about a subject I will do a better job.

"The things you are passsionate about are not random. They are your calling."  
              Fabienne Fredrickson

Take some time for some serious reflection. Why do you choose the subjects you paint? If the answer is "it looks easy" then try again. The answer should be "I LOVE it and I am passionate about it"
Take the time to discover your passions. Explore them and embrace them.
Your work will be better for it.

It is Virtual Open Studio Week and all paintings in my Etsy shop are available with a 20% savings. Visit my shop to have a closer look. click here.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool. Thank you for another great article.

    I look over what I choose to paint, over years. Some things predominate.

    Wild places, ancient places, tropical places. Any subject with local colors that fall in the pure saturated hues I love - flowers, fish, birds, holiday decorations. Cats large or small and sometimes prehistoric life.

    These paintings are all about time off and lack of stress.


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