
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Making Time for a Painting Break

'Fairyland'                9x12              pastel                 ©Karen Margulis
It can be done. Carving out some time to paint in the midst of the busy holiday season isn't easy but it is possible. I am in the middle of my annual studio clean up. I have stuff everywhere but I am making progress. On top of the clean up project I am getting ready for  Corey, Grace and Greta's visit and planning to host 17 for Christmas dinner (in my studio!)  I also have other projects I am trying to fit in and I am trying not to get overwhelmed.

You would think there was no time to paint. But my easel calls to me. I can fit it in if I think about painting time a bit differently. I can certainly find 20 minutes to paint. It is the perfect break from cleaning. Painting a quick study gives me a break, satisfies my pastel craving and allows me to access the intuitive painter in me.  Often we do better work than we thought possible if we limit our time spent on the painting. We don't have time to over- think!

alcohol wash underpainting
Today I took a break before lunch and spent 20 minutes working on this painting of an evergreen forest. I had already done the underpainting as a demo for  private lesson. It was sitting on my easel and made the perfect subject for a quick study.

Quick studies are made for busy times. Pastels make it easy to paint and leave things alone. Clean-up is too easy.  It is a great habit to start. Make time for a painting break. You'll be glad you did!

Painting notes:  Uart paper with a Nupastel and rubbing alcohol wash. terry Ludwog pastels and Diane Townsends for the snow.


  1. Love the painting and your concept. The underpainting is gorgeous and I like how you turned that into something so spectacular. Cool technique with the pressed in snow crumbles too!

    Our lives are so different. I've come to that place of working fast in a different direction, don't get much else done but if I have the energy to paint it won't last long, so, seize the moment. It does come out better when I don't take my time worrying about it and just let it flow.

  2. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Once our trip is out of the way, I think I'll take you up on that 20 minutes of painting and see what happens. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Oh it is so easy to "over think" and completely lose the time to just do something. I like your suggestion to use a media to sketch with that you can set up and take down easily. Thanks for the good example and encouragement to use even those limited time days to create.


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