
Saturday, January 03, 2015

Making it Work...Painting on the Go

                                               'The Coming Spring'. 5 x 7. Pastel
It felt great to pick up a pastel. It has been all about family the past two weeks and it has been wonderful. I am now in Florida for the weekend and had some downtime. I was glad I had thrown in my travel pastel set at the last minute. It is perfect for times like these.....times when you don't know if you'll get a chance to paint but would feel terrible if you did and had no supplies! 

My small set is perfect for painting on the go but it is definitely limited. It holds all the supplies I need to paint small....paper, pastels a small piece of foam core and a pack of reference photos. The trick is picking the right pastels to fit in the small box. I use two small boxes and a selection of small pastel scraps! As long as I have a variety of values I know I can make it work. I may not always have the right color but if I have the right value the painting will look believable.
Making it Work is such a great exercise. Working small , keeping it simple and not worrying about making it perfect. My kit allows me to paint on the go and learn while I'm at it!
Painting information: 5x7 on uart paper. Subject is the Texas Hill Country. Join me for a workshop in April in Dripping a Springs Texas. Email me for information.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back to pastel! This little painting is gorgeous and the lesson makes so much sense.

    I just got new pastels, the 14 Basics set of Terry Ludwigs - it has a full value range. The greens are a little brighter than they looked online, easily distinguished as greens, and it's got great values... now you're inspiring me to try them out as a limited palette!


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