
Monday, January 05, 2015

Making Time for Plein Air

'The View'               8x10           plein air pastel              ©Karen Margulis
painting available $150 click here to purchase
It must be a sign!  I was thinking about the things I want to focus on in 2015 and one of them is the desire to make time for weekly plein air painting. I say the same thing every year but time gets away from me and I don't get outside to paint as much as I would have liked. I do know that when I do paint from life I always seem to experience growth of some kind. It works!

My mantra this year is Simply Paint.....and I would like that to apply to painting time both in the studio and outside. Even if it means looking out the window or bringing nature inside. I need to make time for direct observation and painting what is in front of me instead of from a piece of paper.

I came home from errands (a fun trip to Ikea....details to come) to an email from Sarah at Judsons Art Outfitters. I was featured in the January 5th blog post! This is my sign.....I need to get outside and paint more often!

 You can see the feature here:  Judsons Plein Air Journal Be sure to check out their website for a wonderful selection of plein air supplies.

Today's painting is a plein air piece done on location in Iceland. This was the view from our house in Stykkisholmur. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the feature! That's a great goal, getting outdoors weekly. Today's painting is great too, I especially love those rocks. Time for me to relax and get a bit less literal in color!


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