
Friday, February 06, 2015

Painting Iceland!

'Welcome to Iceland'        9x9          pastel           ©Karen Margulis
purchase here $150
While I am away on a Caribbean Cruise I thought I'd share some of my recent paints of Iceland. This little puffin was my 'money shot'.  I was looking forward to seeing the puffins on our evening dinner cruise. I don't know why but I had visions of seeing hundreds of puffins. We really only saw a few. It was tricky to get good photos on the rolling deck of the boat but I was determined.

I took up my position at the bow of the boat and watched in eager anticipation. We saw a lot of birds. But no puffins. Finally as we cruised up to a small island I saw one. He was standing on the edge of a clump of grass. I raised my camera and zoomed in......Trying to hold the big lens steady as the boat rocked up and down. I had one chance....I snapped the photo and hoped for the best.

I got it! The little puffin was flapping his wings and the backdrop of the grassy island and blue water was perfect. I was happy.  It was fun to relive this moment when I painted from my photo too!

Read my Iceland travelog on my blog


  1. Great photo and great story to go with it. Love the way you did the puffin's head, that's just beautiful.


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