
Sunday, March 22, 2015

A New Camera for a New Adventure

'Welcoming Spring'            8x10            pastel             ©Karen Margulis
It was time. I admit am a camera nut.  I have a few cameras and all serve their purpose. But it was time to replace my small Canon Elph. I have had it for years and it served me well. The screen has several big dead spots and it was just not responding as fast as it used to. I like to have a small point and shoot to throw in my purse or backpack so I considered just replacing it with an updated model.

Then I started to do some research. I really want to do more with video. I want to VLOG! Video plus blog equals a vlog. I have a YouTube channel and I have posted some rough videos done on my computer webcam. I needed to step up my game and do a better job so I decided to find a camera that would be small enough for travel but take great videos for my vlogs.

I settled on a Canon Powershot G7X. I am a Canon girl so it made sense. I know the dial and functions even though I can't see them without my glasses. It has a nice flip up screen for selfies and videos. I have a lot of reading to do to get the most out of all of the camera's features. I did manage to get the camera to connect to my computer and upload photos through wifi and I took a quick video and managed to upload good progress!  I will report back and give a more complete review soon.

Look for my first Vlog soon. Help me make my blogs as helpful as possible. Share your ideas for subjects you'd like me to talk about!

1 comment:

  1. Tirzah5:01 PM

    I really enjoy reading your blog! The tips are very helpful for my own art and your work is gorgeous and always makes me want to draw more.

    I'd love a post about a night scene with very low amount of light or how to paint the rain at night. I love reflections but am unsure how to make something look both wet & dry in the same painting.


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