
Saturday, March 07, 2015

Where to Find a Treasure of Pastel Tips

'Nantucket Moors'               8x10             pastel             ©Karen Margulis
purchase this painting here $145
I am always on the hunt for tips to help me create better paintings. When I come across a good idea I usually give it a try and share it on my blog. For the last few years my blog has been devoted to sharing the art tips that have helped me. This blog has become a treasure trove of pastel and general art tips.

It is all here...posts that date back to 2006! But I recently discovered that many of my blog readers don't realize they can search the blog for the topic they are interested in.  Many of you receive the blog by email. It is convenient to read each day's post in an email but then you are missing out on the other features of the actual blog.

On the actual blog page I have links to classes and workshops. I have a studio tour and links to my You-Tube videos and pdf demos.  You can also scroll through all of the recent posts. But my favorite feature is the search box located at the top of the sidebar on the right. Simply put in a search word and you will be shown all of the posts in my blog that include that word. I did a search for the word 'Green' and uncovered several posts on painting with green. Here are the results. Lots of good information! Give the search box a try!

If you are reading this post via email click on this link to go directly to the blog to see what you are missing.

Terry Ludwig's set of 90 greens

Reading all of those posts on green inspired me to paint something using only green.  I used only my set of Terry Ludwig 90 greens plus a pale TL green/yellow that was not in the set. I also used a piece of dark green Canson Mi-Teintes paper. Lots of green!  It was a fun challenge!

today's reference photo


  1. There is a huge wealth of knowledge to be found using your search feature. It has been a great help to me since I am just staring to use pastels. Thanks for sharing so much!

  2. Thanks, Karen for all the art tips found here on your blog. I posted a tip a few of your blog posts back about creating a PDF . Here is my other Ipad tip for preserving KEM info.
    I'll call this instant KEM blog. Make Painting My World an Ap! When reading your blog on Ipad, look at the top of the
    Ipad page in Safari and you will find a tab that says
    "Ad To Home Screen", just tap the tab and magically Painting My World becomes an onscreen Ap.

  3. Thank you Susan!! I appreciate the kind words!
    Sandi, Thank you!! I was planning on sharing your PDF tip in today's post so I will also share the app tip. Very cool!!

  4. Karen, your blog is a true treasure trove of knowledge and practical application and eye candy about pastels! I found your blog a couple of years ago when I first discovered soft pastels and it's been an inspiration ever since. One of the first things I did was to use the search to go back to the first post and follow through reading each one until I was caught up. I love seeing how much you learned and grew and was and am inspired to learn and grow myself. Thank you so much for your generosity!

  5. Hi Karen - just learning too, and I look forward to your daily blog and emails - always put them in my "important" folder on my ipad!!


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