
Saturday, July 04, 2015

A Heat Wave and a Castle...My Sweden Adventure Continues


A Sketch of Ekanas Castle. Ink and watercolor. 4x6

We had plenty of time to sketch the castle during the magic hour. The magic hour lasts for hours in summer. Even though the castle is just a stone's throw from my room we decided to drive around to the front to get a better view and sketch without bring bothered by bugs (those little ones who don't pay rent as my Swedish host called them )

The castle is something out of a fairy tale. It was magical watching the changing light illuminate the white walls of the castle. I did a quick pen and ink sketch with watercolor. Tomorrow I'll try pastels!

The former most now jousting area

It is a heat wave in Sweden. Today it was 85 F. It was the first day I could wear shorts. I'm glad I brought layers. I've used everything from a down jacket to shorts on this trip! Today everyone was looking for ways to cool off. We explored the Goda Canal, a few lakes and had ice cream.




1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so great! You picked the best time for Sweden! Beautiful little painting of the castle, looking forward to your pastels version!


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