
Thursday, December 10, 2015

An Essential Color for your Pastel Box

'Violet Hush'            13 x 18        pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $195
When in doubt add some purple. This is advice that I take to heart. I probably have some form of violet in every painting. It comes naturally to me because it happens to be one of my favorite colors. My other favorite is turquoise. But I don't use violet just because I like it....I use it because it just works.

Violet can be a great unifier especially when used in a grayed down muted or neutral form. These gray violets are essential components to a successful landscape. 
  • They knit more intense colors together and allow those colors to pop.
  • They are great for painting distant trees and mountains. They are essential to create believable depth in a landscape.
  • Use a form of violet anytime you are tempted to reach for a gray pastel (made from back and white) 
  • Mix vibrant purples with the gray purples for added interest. Spices!
  • Essential color for your box? As many violets as you can violets to blue violets, intense to muted. We can never have too many!

a couple of Terry Ludwig 'message' pastels from workshops
In case you are wondering my studio clean up is progressing nicely. I have my bookshelves almost finished. It is a big project because as I empty shelves I need to decide what to do with everything! I was excited to find these nice violet Terry Ludwig squares. I must have put them away for safe keeping. I think its better to use them!

NOTE: I am accumulating quite a few piles of stuff. I will be recycling all of the foamcore and will be planning a sale of art supplies very soon. I want to be sure everything finds new homes (not in a landfill :))

1 comment:

  1. Oh tempt me now, with all those treasures found under ebay stuff! Ooooh...

    Though I'd guess all those other half pastels are probably making their way into your trays, save you buying a lot of replacements. Beautiful article! great painting demonstrating violet in the landscape too. A secondary triad theme in a landscape is awesome. Saw a few greens peekin through violet and orange!

    Violet is a friend to green n so many ways!

    And funny how Turquoise is on your list too. That and Ultramarine ad Pink are colors I think of as pastels colors, the ones that made me go wow on my first ever 30 Assorted Grumbacher box. Then constantly use the grayed volet that I had no idea why it was there all the time!


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