
Monday, September 26, 2016

From the Archives: Packing for a Plein Air Trip

'Desert Sparkle'         5x7      pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $75
 The adventures will begin soon. It is time to pack. I don't like to pack for a plein air trip at the last minute. I like to spread out the project over a few weeks. It's is part of the fun anticipation of a trip. I set aside a table in my studio and lay out all of the things I think I need or would like to bring.

Then I go through it all. I eliminate most of it. I keep the bare minimum amount of supplies. I want to travel light and free. I want just enough to allow me to paint quick studies. I want to capture fleeting moments in time. I don't need to bring the contents of my studio with me. If it can't fit in my backpack or carry-on then it will stay home.

As I pack I'll share my process. Packing light isn't for everyone but perhaps you will like some of my ideas. Perhaps you will have tips of your own you'd like to share?

Packing Paper for a Plein Air Trip

Today I am packing paper. I won't be painting anything larger than 8x10 on a plein air trip. If I am teaching I will bring some 11x14 paper for demos.

Itoya Portfolio folders in two sizes....8x10 and 5x7

  •  I will bring an assortment of my favorite sanded pastel papers. Uart, Pastel Premier, Pastelmat, Multimedia Artboard .
       Tip: Bring paper that you are familiar with. Unless you have a lot of room and want to                     experiment and play it is safer to work on paper you know.
  • I am cutting full sheets of the papers into smaller sizes both 5x7 and 8x10. I use a ruler and scissors or utility knife to cut the paper. (saves money)
  • I am toning some of the Uart paper in my favorite plein air color (more on this later)
  • I am filling my Itoya plastic portfolio folders wit the cut paper. These folders have plastic sleeves that work great for protecting and transporting paper.
  • I put finished paintings back into the plastic sleeve of the folder. This is how I transport and protect my finished paintings. (yes a little residual pastel dust is left on the plastic but not enough to harm the painting.)
  • The plastic folders are great for sharing your work with others and keeping the paintings safe. 
  • The loaded folders are slipped into my backpack. The perfect solution for keeping both paper and paintings safe!
How to do store and transport paper and paintings on a plein air trip?

New Mexico Workshop Note: 
There are a couple of NEW openings for my October workshop in Pecos New Mexico. We are contacting those on the waitlist but anticipate an opening or two! It will be a pastel workshop retreat at the Pecos Benedictine Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico located in the Pecos River Canyon 25 miles east of Santa Fe. 

October 14-17, 2016   4 day workshop
 Arrive Thursday October 13th, workshop on Friday, Saturday, Sunday
  and Monday. Depart Tuesday October 18

$800  includes  workshop instruction 4 days and lodging for 5 nights. Lodging   
 includes 3 meals daily. 

To register for the workshop and secure your lodging please contact:
                          Bruce Wadsworth
                          Marketing/Retreat Director
                          Pecos Benedictine Monastery
                          Tues.-Sat. 9-3:00
                          (505)-757-6415 ex t12  (505)-946-7281 cell    

Plein air paintings done last October in New Mexico

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