
Sunday, October 09, 2016

Inspiration in Colorado


It was an inspiring day!  We began with a morning hike on S Mountain. It was filled with the things I love.....big views and scrubby brush! I took many photos that I know will inspire my work this fall. Next we walked along the river for more great scenery. One of the highlights of the morning were our gallery visits. We were fortunate that Joshua Been was in his gallery and we had a great visit.

Joshua's work is amazing and it was a pleasure to see it in person. It was fun to see how he works. He kindly posed for a photo in front of his easel. Check out the piles of paint! 

Joshua is also a generous teacher and innovator. He has designed plein air set ups that are light weight and compact. If you are in the market for a plein air set up I would recommend taking a closer look. He has also written a book called 'Learn to See, Learn to Paint' which I bought and can't wait to read!  I'll be blogging more about the book and special pen. Visit Joshua's website for more on what he offers.

The day wasn't over though! After lunch we took a drive and I was so inspired that I had to take out my pastels to paint when we got back to the house. I painted the neighbor's aspen tree that was holding on to a few yellow leaves. My fingers were itching to paint something after being filled with beauty!

1 comment:

  1. Lee crowell2:44 PM

    Fantastic day first you. I so enjoyed your workshop. Working on lily pads and do-overs. I washed off the paintings I worked on in the workshop. Perhaps I will send a photo of results.


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