
Sunday, January 08, 2017

A Must Have Resource for all Pastelists

5 x 7         pastel      ©Karen Margulis
I have poured over the pages over and over again. Each time learning new things and having AHA moments.  Pastel Journal is a must have resource for anyone interested in painting with pastels. I remember when I was new to pastel. I subscribed to the magazine of course but I was impatient for each issue to arrive. I wanted more. I went on Ebay and won a lot of Pastel Journal back issues including the very first issue. I was in pastel heaven!

The artists and articles in the magazine inspired me and gave me so many ideas for my own daily painting practice. It has been an invaluable tool for me. I dreamed of one day being 'good enough' to have my work in the magazine. I had my first break with a mention in an article on studio spaces written by the wonderful Deborah Secor. I was thrilled. But then I was honored to be a part of an article on painting flowers in the June 2014 issue. And to make it even better my painting made the cover! I was beyond thrilled.

I am thrilled again to share that I have an article in this month's issue of Pastel Journal. It is actually a column on planning a painting. You'll have to get a copy of the magazine or better yet subscribe to read my article!  I know you won't regret making this magazine a part of your art study!

using a push pin to create texture and detail 

1 comment:

  1. I love Pastel Journal. I've subscribed for some years now and it's always exciting and inspiring. So glad you've got an article coming up!


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