
Saturday, February 04, 2017

Mini Demo: Pink Poppy Pastel Painting

'Pink Poppy Profusion'        6x8       pastel     ©Karen Margulis
available $95

It's a tongue twister! Pink Poppy Pastel Painting! I took the day to treasure hunt in my favorite thrift stores but couldn't stay away from the easel. I decided to paint something fast and of my favorite flowers to paint....poppies!  I took photos as the painting came together so follow along for a quick demo.

I am using a piece of tan Pastelmat paper. I really love this paper and I don't know why I don't use it more often. I have to make a note to order some. I love the soft velvety feel of the paper which doesn't seem like it would take many layers. But it does! I love the way the softest pastels just glides on like butter. I start my painting by drawing in a few poppies. I didn't have a reference photos really. Just a quick look at a photo of a wildflower meadow I took in Texas last spring.

Next I block in the darkest areas. I use about four colors that are close in value and layer them with a light touch. This dark area will be under the green grasses and stems and it will serve to hold them together.

Next I add the darkest greens. I will work from dark to light so I need to put in the darkest greens first. Notice how I am covering the dark purples? I also use a cooler blue green for the top grasses which will help push them back.

Next I put in the sky. I decide to make the sky pink so I use three values of a warm pink to give the sky a soft pink glow. I work the sky down into the grasses.

Now it is time to block in the flowers. I design where the flowers go as I block them in. I try to get an interesting arrangement of shapes and sizes. I also begin with the darkest pink. I used the side of the pastel to paint the petals. Notice the smaller chunks of pink in the distance. These will be small flowers farther away (to create the illusion of depth)

I build up the flowers with several values of pink. I use bold chunky strokes in the direction that the petals grow.

I continue to build up the flowers and use a Nupastel to draw some lines to define some of the petals. At this point in the painting I confess that I stopped taking photos. My sister called and we started chatting. I kept painting. I was just about done and only needed to add the grasses and stems. The last thing I did was add the yellow flowers for spice. That was fun!


  1. Wow! Great demo. Love the way this one developed, stage after stage. Did you get some of those Vibrant colors that Ludwig came up with? It looks like those, various different hues and values of vivid pink and reds. Gorgeous combinations. I love the way the yellow flowers worked at the end, a perfect spice.

    Got to try this on Pastelmat. I usually use Pans on it or hard pastel sticks, but you used some of the softest of soft pastels so well I've got to see what those do!

  2. Thanks for commenting! I always enjoy them! I don't have the Terry Ludwig vibrants though I would love them! These were a mix of Ludwigs and Great Americans. Yes you should definitely give your softies a try on Pastelmat!!

  3. Those pink poppies are beautiful. I am inspired by nature and you! Thank you for sharing your work and pointers.



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