
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Treat for Artists!

'Garden Party I'         8x8          pastel       ©Karen Margulis
available $145
I have rediscovered the joy of listening to podcasts while painting and puttering around the studio. I might as well be filling my brain with interesting art related talk while I work!  Last week I decided to tune into one of my favorite programs on Blog Talk radio 'Artists Helping Artists' with Leslie Saeta. The topic of the day was "What We can Learn From the Top Artsits Blogs"

I was organizing supplies and listening to the program stopping now and then to jot down something interesting. It was a great topic and I was happy to learn of some blogs I wasn't familiar with. As I listened I was completely surprised to hear my name mentioned! I was one of the blogs being shared on the show! What fun!

In the last few days I've been going back and listening to some of the programs I missed. They are all filled with great information and Leslie and her cohosts are so enjoyable. It feels like you are listening to old friends!

Below is the link to the program on top art blogs.  You can also visit Leslie's website and the section on AHA or Artist Helping Artists. 
You are in for a treat if you haven't tuned into AHA yet. Do you have a favorite art related podcast to share?

'Garden Party II'       8x8       $145
Today's Painting Notes:  Both of these paintings are on Uart 500 grit. I was experimenting with a square format and decided to paint a pair!


  1. Hi Karen! It was because of that AHA episode that I looked you up and subscribed to your blog!
    Leslie Saeta is wonderful and has been doing these helpful shows for years.
    Looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  2. I listened to Leslie's show too! When they got to your blog I was pleased as punch that I have been following you for quite a long time already! Your blog is on my Favorite Art Blogs list on my Feedly. Congratulations on being in the top 75.

  3. Hi Karen! Congratulations on being on the top 75! I have followed your blog for years as well as Leslie's AHA radio show. I have learnt so much through the years from both, thank you! (Note I am not a pastel painter :)
    Another podcast you may want to try I see The Savvy Painter with Antrese Wood. She interviews all sorts of artists and it's a source of inspiration for me many times. Elizabeth Gilbert's Magic Lessons is another one I have thoroughly enjoyed. Happy Listening!


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