
Saturday, July 15, 2017

More Painting on Black and a Camping Story

'Firefly Magic'           8x10        pastel          ©Karen Margulis
available $150
We almost didn't stay.   We arrived at the campground and got the tents set up and unloaded our gear. It was hot and steamy. Even though out campsite was deep in the woods there was no relief. Not a breath of air. We ate lunch and tried to let the kids take a nap. It wasn't working. Too hot. So we went on our planned hike instead.

On the way back from the hike, the subject on all of our minds came up. "Would it be so bad to wimp out and just go home?" We decided that it would be OK and we returned to the campsite with a new purpose. We would make our dinner and then head back to the comfort of home.

Dinner was wonderful. We made hot dogs on sticks over the fire. We actually lit the fire without the benefit of lighter fluid. We felt good about that. Grace made a pot out of tin foil for our beans. Hot dogs and beans never tasted so good. Baby Jamie was content. Greta was running around the campsite playing with her camping dolls. And as the sun set it was getting cooler.

Then Grace brought up the question on all of our minds. "Would it be silly of us to change our minds and stay?"  Of course not.  Corey and Grace left to get more ice and water while Greta and I made a fairy house in the perfectly located tree stump. As dusk fell I noticed the woods getting darker and the most magical thing taking place.

The forest was quickly becoming illuminated by fireflies!  Hundreds of them. Maybe even thousands. I had never seen so many fireflies. It was truly a magical moment to cherish. (and to capture in a painting!)

Here are some progress shots of today's painting. It is 8x10 on a dark charcoal piece of Yi Cai sanded paper.

The start along with my reference photo

Block in of the extremesL darks, lights and most intense color

First layers

Almost finished....need to add the fireflies
Have you tried painting on a black or dark surface? Tomorrow I will share an easy way to make your own black paper.


  1. Such a wonderful painting to remind you of a wonderful life experience with your family! Those moments definitely don't last. So glad you captured it!!

  2. Love the painting and the story!

  3. Gorgeous painting! I love using black paper. Colors shine on it, broken color sings, and you captured the fireflies dancing so beautifully. We have some around our house but not like that, not by the thousands.


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