
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Must Have Book for Your Art Library....Holiday Wish List #2

'Misty Morning'           16x20         pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $250
"Pretend you are dancing or singing a picture. A worker or painter should enjoy his work,else the observer will not enjoy it. It is not good to wear lace that was a drudgery to someone to make. The lace, as well as the picture, should be made in joy."  Robert Henri
Robert Henri's The Art Spirit is a book that every artist and art lover should have on the shelf. It is a book filled with the wisdom and advice of Henri who was a revered teacher and artist. The book is a collection of his teachings, notes and critiques. 

Read more about Robert Henri here

Not only does the book give Henri's technical advice to painters, it is full of inspiring words of wisdom about life and art. It is the kind of book that can be picked up and opened to any page. Every page has a pearl of wisdom and gives food for thought. It is a book that can be read over and over. I keep my copy on my night stand and pick it up whenever I need a bit of inspiration. The quote about singing a picture is typical of the little gems on every page of the book.
Here is the link on Amazon. Add it to your wish list if you don't already own it. Take it out and reread it if you have it on your shelf! 

Starting in December on Patreon....Art Book of the month Club! We will be reading Art & Fear next month. Join us to read, get inspired and share with your fellow passionate artists!

Painting notes: Today's painting is a finished demo from my Michigan workshop. It is 16x20 on Uart 400 with a variety of soft and hard pastels, mostly Terry Ludwigs. 

1 comment:

  1. The Art Spirit is my favorite art book though I have enjoyed many.


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