
Sunday, November 05, 2017

Getting the Most From Reading a Blog

'Village by the Sea'         5x7        pastel          ©Karen Margulis
available $75
There is a lot more to this blog than meets the eye! If you are a regular reader than perhaps you know the hidden secrets already. If you are new to my blog or only read the blog posts through your email I want to share some tips for getting the most from this blog.

  • Bookmark the blog. It is quick and easy to read each post when it pops up on your email but you only see one post at a time. There is a lot more available on the actual blog. There are links to videos and demos, updated workshop information, links to my etsy shop and other places where you can see all of my work, a video studio tour and a SEARCH BOX.  These things are visible when you visit the blog address. I recommend bookmarking the blog even if you get email updates. Every once in awhile visit the blog directly to see what's new. Each browser has a different way to make a bookmark so do a search if you don't know how. My blog address is
  • Use the SEARCH BOX. I get pastel and painting questions everyday and many of them have already been answered in a past blog post or posts. I usually refer the artist to the blog post but you can find these past articles whenever you have a question. On my actual blog there is a search box on the top right sidebar. Simple put in your search words and will be shown whatever blog articles that apply to your questions. I have been writing the blog since 2006 so there is a lot of information in the archives!!
  • Search through the Tags. Most of my posts have been tagged with appropriate searchable words relating to the post. These are tags. If you are looking for inspiration or something to jumpstart your painting why not search through the tags for blog articles on topics that interest you. The list of tags can be found on the sidebar of the blog home page. Simple click on the tag word to be taken to the posts relating to the word.
So if you haven't paid a visit to my actual blog page lately head on over and have a look and be sure to come back often!


  1. Do you have any tips for using the blogger ap that basically hasn’t been updated for years. How do you add to your blog? What ap if any do you use? I could use some suggestions please and thank you . I’m a long time follower and blogspot blogger.

  2. Hi Sandi
    Blogger app no longer works since it hasn't been updated. I rarely blog on the go preferring to schedule posts when I will be out of town but when I do I use an app called Blog Touch Pro

  3. I just started using that AP recently and still in the learning curve. Thanks for the info ! Love your blog and work.


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