
Sunday, December 31, 2017

My Favorite Paintings of 2017 #1

I hung this painting in my bedroom. It is my most favorite painting of the year. It's my favorite for a few reasons. I consider it a breakthrough painting because I accomplished something I have been working on. I feel I was successful in this painting.

  • I have been working on finding the right balance of detail vs. suggestion in grassy/weedy areas.  I want to suggest the grasses without painting too many. I also have been working on creating more depth and dimension in these areas. I want to create a deeper tangle of grass.
  • This painting also reminds me of the importance of plein air outings. Know that painting outside from life is important. It really allows you to experience the landscape with all senses. Colors and values are different in real life than in photos. Having plein air experience allows me to work from photos and make my painting seem natural and believable. This painting was done from a photo taken in Ireland but I had painted at this spot for an entire day making many studies. It helped me interpret my photo in a more meaningful way.
  • Finally this painting just brings back some great memories of a fantastic week in Ireland.


  1. Dein Lieblingsbild gefällt mir auch. Schön, was du aus einem alltäglichen Motiv zauberst.
    Ich wünsche dir auch im Jahr 2018 viele gelungene Bilder. Ich bin ein Fan von dir, habe mit Pastell begonnen und viele Anregungen bei dir gefunden.
    Jürgen aus Leipzig

  2. Auch ich finde das Bild wunderschön . Es sind meine Lieblingsmotive. Schön, das ich auch einmal etwas von jemanden aus Deutschland lesen kann und der Blog so weit verbreitet ist

    I Wisch everybody a Happy New Year

    Karren thanks a lot for your work by Patreon and that you always have Time to answer all the questions


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