
Friday, February 16, 2018

Make Time for Exploration Studies

'Drama in the Sky'      10x10        pastel       ©Karen Margulis
available  $155
 I love getting milage from my favorite reference photos. I know many artists who prefer using new references for each painting. Once it has been painted, they are satisfied. I am quite happy to use a reference for many paintings. In fact it is a challenge for me to discover how many ways I can interpret the same scene. I call these paintings Exploration Studies.

I begin a series by making time to work up thumbnails with possible compositions. I think about how I can change the scene by changing the format and changing the focus. I developed a worksheet to help me visualize my possibilities.

Planning Worksheet
I begin the series by choosing one of the thumbnails to develop into a painting. It is such a good feeling to know that I have several more good ideas waiting in the wings. This prevents me from trying to put EVERYTHING I am excited about into one painting. This leads to stronger paintings.

Today's painting is my second exploration study. It is on 10x10 white Pastelmat paper. The focus was on the sky and I enjoyed creating some drama in the sky and keeping the ground quiet.

A quick thumbnail sketch for my 2nd exploration.
The focus is the sky!

The first painting done from the photo.
The focus was the buildings at the back of a meadow
You can find my Planning Worksheets in my Etsy shop Link here

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