
Friday, February 23, 2018

When the Underpainting Speaks

'Oasis in the City'       11x14      pastel      ©Karen Margulis
available $175
The underpainting had the answer! I had unearthed another old very bad painting and couldn't wait to repurpose the Pastebord. I didn't even bother to wipe off the old painting. I just took a brush and rubbing alcohol and liquified the pastel. The result was a darkish drippy ethereal underpainting. I wasn't sure what it wanted to be so I let it sit on the easel for a couple of days.

The original painting on Pastelbord

After a wash with rubbing alcohol
 Now that I am looking at it I see a pond with trees and reflections. But yesterday I had turned it around and it was clear that this was my favorite garden in a Chicago park. Do you see it?
I pulled out a photo I took at Winnemac park last July. The prairie garden was teeming with bumblebees and coneflowers. I took some closeup photos but I loved this photo of the masses of flowers. (below)

Since we are working on Notans on my Patreon page I decided to do a notan thumbnail so I could simplify the shapes. My notions are below. The top one is not good. I was too literal to the darks and lights in the photon. The bottom version is stronger. But in the end I decided to flip the image to work better with the existing underpainting. That was fun! I love when an underpainting speaks and I choose to listen.

working with a two value thumbnails
more on Notan on my Patreon page.
Chicago Here I Come! Would You Like to Paint with Me?
I have added a new one day workshop in LaGrange, IL. The workshop is April 29th. I am excited because I can visit my kids in Chicago and spend a day sharing pastel tips and techniques!
Here are the details and registration information:

1 comment:

  1. Workshop sold out already. Please do more Chicago area workshops!


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