
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Color Inspiration from a Thrift Store Find

'In Search of Beauty'       8x10       pastel       ©Karen Margulis
available $125
"I'm up to my ears in work, for the trees are in blossom" Van Gogh
Inspiration and painting ideas come to me in some unusual ways. Yesterday I made a stop at one of my favorite thrift stores on my way home from errands. I took a quick glance through the books as I always do and was excited to find a book on Van Gogh's flowers. I was tempted to put it back. I have so many books on Van Gogh and I was pretty sure I had one on his flowers......but maybe not this same book. So I quickly leafed through the pages. One particular painting stopped me in my tracks.

It was Van Gogh's 'Pink Peach Trees'. I didn't remember ever having seen it before but it called to mind the wonderful colors of our Georgia Spring. In fact I immediately thought of my front yard and my cherry trees that are in full bloom.

I was inspired! The book went into my cart and I rushed home to so I could paint. I decided that I would be guided by Van Gogh's peach tree and use his same palette of colors. I chose some pastels that were close to the colors I saw in Van Gogh's painting.

I dove into the painting and just let go. I let myself glance at the painting in the book form time to time but mostly I just responded and let my own cherry tree emerge. I had so much fun that I painted another one. It was such a fun experience....acting on unexpected inspiration!

'Pink Passion'        8x10        pastel      $125


  1. Very Nice! Thanks for sharing! Gotta try that!

  2. Love this! It could have been me writing though, as I can't resist a Van Gogh book either! I have loads of them, including the fabulous one of his flower studies.

  3. You never know where you'll find inspiration! Beautiful tree. The colors seemed a little muted but once I read the article I understood why. Fascinating!


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